Chapter 54

Election of Officers of a Lodge


Each chartered lodge, annually as provided in its by-laws under Article 8 Section 4, shall elect without nomination by written ballot from its members the elective officers. The lodge shall not elect officers by acclamation. [44-2.1; 44-7(Art.8); 45-2; 45-6; 45-3.4.A; 53-1; 53-1.1; 53-2; 54-3.1]. (This regulation amended, effective 1/1/2009)

1. In the event the stated communication, as named in the by-laws of a lodge at which the officers should be elected as required by Regulation 54-1, shall fall on a legal holiday, then the lodge shall hold that stated communication on the day following such legal holiday, excepting Sunday. [44-7(Art.8); 45-1.1; 45-2; 45-6; 45-3.4.A].

2. If a lodge fails to elect its officers at the time required, the Grand Master shall, upon application, grant a dispensation to the lodge to hold an election at a designated stated communication. In the case of inclement weather, the Grand Master may select a date other than a stated communication, excepting Sunday. The Master or Secretary shall provide sufficient notification of this communication by publication in a local newspaper, email, or telephone service not less than five days prior to the communication. [13-3.8.A.(4); 13-3.8.A.(5); 45-3.4.A; 57-3.1; Official Form 41].

3. An election of lodge officers held on any other day or in any other manner than that authorized by law shall be of no effect. [45-3.4.A].


The elective officers are the Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, and Secretary. The remaining officers of the lodge shall be appointed by the Master-elect and announced before his installation. [53-1.1; 59-2.19].

1. A lodge in its by-laws may provide for the election of both Deacons and both Stewards, or both Deacons only, but not one only of each group. [54-3.2; Chapter 57].

2. In the event a lodge provides in its by-laws for the election of both Deacons and both Stewards, or both Deacons only, they shall be elected by written ballot upon nomination as follows.

A. There shall be not less than two nominees for each of these offices and there shall not be an election by acclamation.

B. If no one is elected on the first ballot, all nominees except the two receiving the greatest number of votes shall be dropped and the balloting shall continue on those two until one of them receives a majority of the votes cast for the office.

C. A separate ballot shall be had for the office of each Deacon and each Steward.

D. A very limited statement, only to identify the nominee may be allowed, but nominating speeches for any of these offices are forbidden. There shall be no seconds to nominations. [54-3.2; 54-3.2; 86-2.14].


At communications designated for the election and after the regular business of the lodge is transacted, the Master shall order the lodge to prepare for the election of officers, and he shall appoint two or more competent members to act as tellers. [63-2].

1. The election shall be by written ballot. When the votes are collected, they shall be called by the tellers and tallied and counted by the Secretary. Two-thirds of all votes cast, excluding blanks, shall be necessary for a choice for Master, and a majority of all the votes cast shall be necessary for a choice for each of the remaining elective officers. [Chapter 63].

2. The vote shall first be taken for Master, and when that office is filled, and not until then, the vote shall be taken for the remaining officers in the order named in Regulation 54-1. In the event the by-laws of the lodge require the election of both the Senior and the Junior Deacons or both Deacons and both Stewards the vote shall be taken for the remaining officers in the order named. [57-3.2; 63-6].

3. If a member is elected to an office and is present at the time and declines, the balloting must continue until a qualified member has been elected who will accept that office, even if the balloting continues after low twelve. [54-1.2; 59-2.6].

A. When the result is ascertained, it shall be declared by the Master or by his order.

B. Nominations for office in subordinate lodges shall not be permitted, except as required when the Deacons or Stewards are elected.