Chapter 23

Annual Proceedings of the Grand Lodge


The transactions of the Grand Lodge, had at either an emergent or an annual communication, which are proper to be published shall be printed in the Annual Proceedings of the Grand Lodge immediately after the annual communication each year, and the Grand Secretary shall prepare its contents, supervise its printing and its distribution. The Annual Proceedings shall be conclusive evidence of all matters therein. In addition to the said transactions the volume of the Annual Proceedings shall contain as a supplement, or appendix, the following: [16-1.3; 16-1.5; 16-1.22; 43-4; 94-11.4].

1. The names, titles, and addresses of all Grand Lodge officers for the current year,

2. The names and titles of all past elective grand officers who are members of the Grand Lodge,

3. The name, address, and district number of each District Deputy Grand Master,

4. The name, address, and district number of each District Deputy Grand Lecturer,

5. The names of all boards, commissions, and committees,

6. The names of all grand representatives to and from the Grand Lodge,

7. Tabulated statements showing the name, number, and location of each subordinate lodge, and the day of its stated communication; the number of members initiated, died, suspended, and excluded for nonpayment of dues; the number of endowed memberships; the number of petitions for the degrees rejected during the preceding calendar year; and such other Masonic statistics as may be desirable and proper.

8. A full roster of each subordinate lodge, in supplementary form to the Annual Proceedings, when specifically ordered by the Grand Lodge, and

9. A photograph of each dispensation to form a new lodge, as well as the petition therefor, and of each charter issued to a new lodge and of the petition therefor, and of each charter photographed as provided in Regulation 41-8. [16-1.24; 39-6.3; 40-4].

10. Neither the Grand Master nor the Grand Secretary is empowered to alter the minutes of the Grand Lodge after they have been approved.

11. This regulation shall not be construed as requiring all transactions of the Grand Lodge to be printed and published in full in the Annual Proceedings.


The Annual Proceedings shall not contain;

1. The portrait of a living Mason except that of the newly installed grand officers, or any of them, and that of the Grand Master presiding, unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Lodge, and

2. Any details of a Masonic trial including the name of the accused and the offense charged, but each case by the docket number under which it was tried, the name and number of the subordinate lodge of which the accused was a member, and the final action of the Grand Lodge thereon shall be published in the Annual Proceedings. [16-1.23; 90-13].


The published Annual Proceedings may be bound in paper or in cloth in such quantity of each as the Grand Secretary may deem necessary, or as the Grand Lodge directs. The Annual Proceedings shall be made available electronically to the officers, members, and lodges of this jurisdiction, or any other repository deemed appropriate. (This regulation amended, effective January 1, 2024)